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Separating production and staging environment

Individual accounts

If possible, it is advisable to put staging and production on a separate account.
Multiple applications within the same account have their own document root, but processes (php, ruby, ...) of those applications can manipulate each other's files.

As a result a vulnerability in the staging application could potentially affect the production app.
Separate accounts come with better shielding.


Each hosting account can contain multiple applications.
These can be managed on the server with the same SSH account, but are separate hosts in Apache or Nginx.
Applications on the same account can manipulate each other's files.

On the account page you will find a list of active apps under the block Applications, choose New application and fill out the form.

You can assign domain names to both applications, obviously these cannot be the same.


Shared hosting has a limitation of 2 applications per account, a managed VM does not have this limitation.

By default, we create a default application on each account. If you want to determine the name yourself, you can delete it and create it with a different name.