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Putting a hosting package on multiple domains

A hosting account consists of 1 or more applications. Each application is a separate website (or vhost), to which 1 or more domains are associated with.

Multiple domains, same website

You can link multiple domains to your hosting package to the same website.

To add a domain, first click the edit button next to an application. Usually the first application on your account is called default.

Then you can add a (sub)domain to the list of domain names for that application.

Do you get the message that a domain is already taken?

  • The domain might already be linked to another account of yours. In that case disconnect the domain there first.
  • Is it not linked to one of your other accounts? Please contact

Multiple websites

A managed VM had no limitation on the amount of domain in Sock. On a shared hosting account, you can create a maximum of 2 applications.

Click the new application button at the top right of the application list in your account. In the form, you can immediately enter the domains that should be associated with that application.