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How to empty Varnish cache

Using you CMS

Most CMS'es have a built-in option or a plug-in to manage (Varnish) cache settings.

Using varnishadm

First you will need to contact our support department at to obtain the varnish secret key.
This secret key will have to be written to a file on the server.

The command you can use to retrieve a specific domain from the Varnish cache is the following:(keep in mind that you may have to do this for different TLDs)

varnishadm -S ~/varnish_secret -T ban ~ <..FQDN HERE (without www)..>

  • To specify specific paths, you can run a similar command (keep in mind that you may have to do this for different TLDs that the domain owns):
varnishadm -S ~/varnish_secret -T ban ~ <..FQDN HERE (without www)..> && req.url ~ /path/
  • If you wish to use the varnishadm console, you can use:
    varnishadm -S ~/varnish_secret -T

More information about what can be done in the varnish console can be found in the Varnish documentation: