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Creating FTP / S-FTP users

Adding a new FTP/SFTP user can be done via the Sock control panel.
There are multiple options in this regard.

Chrooted accounts

The option for chrooted FTP/SFTP needs to be enabled by our support team before it is active in the Sock control panel. Please contact us if you wish to use this feature.


There are 2 different types of S-FTP users; Account users & ProFTPD users.

1. Account users

For each new account there will be a user who can access all applications within its account via SSH/SFTP. These connections are made directly via the ssh daemon, using port 22:

This example shows that the user 'demo_account' has access to the application 'demo-app'.

2. ProFTPD users

Additional users can be created to restrict SFTP access to a specific directory within an account. Once enabled by our support team, these users can be added and configured via the Sock control panel.
These connections are authenticated via ProFTPD, using port 2222:

In the example above we are creating a 'demo_sftp' user which will have access to a directory within the 'demo_account' home directory.


Even though these users are referenced as FTP users, regular FTP is DISABLED by default. We strongly encourage use of S-FTP where possible.


If required, regular FTP can be enabled as well. This will allow creating users in the same way as the S-FTP ProFTPD users, the connections for this service are made via port 21.